Habitat One Blog, Current Projects and Other News
Welcome to our website
Welcome to our new website. Habitat One’s mission is to advocate for landowners to create wildlife habitat through state, federal, conservation organizations and Habitat One funding. We will accomplish these goals through property assessment, creation of habitat plans, and creating a positive value proposition for the landowner. These plans and...
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Habitat one is a pending 501c3 charity. Our charitable organization application was submitted in November 2024 and we expect to have our 501c3 designation by June of 2025.
Read MoreProjects planned and in progress
What We Do Through our Landowner Benefit Advocates (LBA’s) we will meet with landowners for an introduction meeting to access and review the landowners current property. Our offering will include the following options and more.– Development of a habitat plan– Connection to federal, state and conservation organization funding options for...
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